
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Logan review

Logan is exactly the kind of Superhero movie I want more of.  That's not to say it's perfect, but it does so much right that I can easily overlook its flaws.  It is a solid action movie that holds up on it's own, remains internally consistent, and certainly presents a lot of action that is both thrilling and unique.  The characterization is solid, the acting is far better than it needs to be in a movie of this type, and I enjoyed it a lot.  All of this is completely removed from the fact that it ties into the X-men, how it interprets the characters, or any of that.  This movie stands up on its own. If that's all you need and want to avoid some minor spoilers (I'll do my best to keep major points out of this), stop reading now and go see it.  But beyond holding up as a good action movie, the way it ties into other Superhero movies and the way it manages to capture the core of these characters is really amazing.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Blog Update

Hey loyal reader(s?),  Sorry for the month and change of nothing.  I got distracted and put this on hold.  Some things had to get done and others were just things I wanted to do.  I want to write more, it's not like I have a readership base that's demanding content, I'm doing this for me.  But it's also work, like painting my miniatures (Nerd!) or fixing my house, which takes a lot more effort than Mass Effect or catching up on The Adventure Zone.  It's laziness, really, and I know nothing kills a budding journal faster than missing entries.  

So, to stem this tide, I'm going to lay out a schedule for posts.  It's a promise to my reader(s?) and a challenge to me to get things written and get things posted.

Mondays - Starting 5/15, the return of The Legend of Korra, with Jacob! starting with the season 3 premiere.

Thursdays - When Applicable - review of the latest movie/show I saw that I have something to say about.  First post will be this Thursday, 4/27, with my review of Logan.  Timely, I know!  I can't promise more often than that, I don't know how much I'll watch, but I have stuff for at least the next month.

Other sporadic updates will be posted.

Thanks all, I hope I can stick to this.
